martes, 19 de julio de 2011


The amazonian team won the gold medal.

Mexicali, Mexico, July 16 2011.— Brazil became the first champion of the Boys’ U19 Pan Am Cup after defeating Puerto Rico 3-0 (25-15, 25-11, 25-16).

Joao Ferreira scored 13, Flavio Gualberto and Henrique Batagim 9 for the Brazilian team. Carlos Acosta, scored 5 for Puerto Rico.

“Today we did not show the big wish of winning on the court, my teammates gave their best, but it was not enough”, said Acosta. “I want to congratulate Puerto Rico. This was a good match for us, because we set a strategy set by set and we hope to have a good preparation for the world championship”, stated Thiago Veloso, Brazilian captain.

Puerto Rico’s coach, Ramon Lawrence remarked that their rivals had a good tactical plan, but after this result, they are focused in working for the World Championship after the learning experience at this tournament.

“Our strategy helped us to win and succeed. The boys played with their heart and hard work”, said Percy Oncken, about the Brazilian victory, from which they will make the most on the road to the World Championship in Argentina.

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