viernes, 15 de julio de 2011



Mexicali, Mexico, July 13 2011.- Mexico gave the big surprise of the Cup after defeating USA 3-2 (25-21, 19-25, 21-25, 27-25, 15-13) and qualified to the semifinals.

Matthew Tarantino scored 23 for USA, while Aaron Russell 19, Cody Caldwell finished with 16, and Douglas White 14. Cristian Limon Finished with 17 for Mexico, while Sergio Perez and Marco Rodriguez finished with 12 a piece, and Roberto Rincon with 11.

"Actually this was our second match of this year, and it was a very good one on both sides. We were six players in the courts against another six players and two thousand more, but really wanted to experience how it feels to face a team locally with all the support of the fans", stated American coach Ken Shibuya.

For Oscar Licea, Mexican coach, his team "played with the heart and courage, we kept playing positively and want to congratulate the boys and thank the fans for supporting us".

USA captain Matthew West said: "Mexico played with a lot of passion and fantastically".

Mexico's Jonathan Ponce said that the key was to keep the calm and think positively. "We decided to play a very smart on the last set and did not lose the wish to win".

Mexico will have a bye date this Thursday, and will play again until Friday in the semifinals. USA will match Costa Rica in the quarterfinals.

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